Monday, June 15, 2009

Garden Party Surprise!

The Surprise went off without a hitch. A few times during the day I was doubting how I was going to pull the surprise off, but in the end it worked out great. Even the weather cooperated!
So here are a few pictures of everything set up. I alternated the hanging flower jars with the hanging mason lanterns. ( The lanterns provided a nice glow as the sun went down). There were 2 centerpieces for the food table and the dining table and of course the margaritas! Check out the dispenser I got the Christmas Tree Shop! $12.99.. WHAT A BAAAAAGIN! It actually worked like a charm... I am so excited about it! We did BBQ steak and chicken with all the fixings followed up by some yummy Italian cookies, canolis, and of course some Birthday cake! Great time had by everyone. Happy Birthday Johnna!

1 comment:

  1. Everything was beautiful... thank you Sara! Loved the lanterns and the hanging flowers.. such a great idea!!!
